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Tag index of preparations by Jonas Waldeck, newly added first in list
Tag Taxon Spec. Gender Coll. date Location Prov. State Img Comment Action
571 Ectoedemia albifasciella 2024-06-02 Hagestad Sk Determined Image Part of the albifasciella/subbimaculella/heringi complex
570 Stigmella plagicolella 2024-05-30 Dalby Sk Determined Image
569 Neofaculta taigana 2016-07-01 Jukkasjärvi Nb Determined Image Rare finding, but 2 individuals found 5 years earlier nearby by Bo Olsson
568 Phyllonorycter hilarellus 2024-07-05 Björkliden TLpm Determined Image
567 Opostega salaciella 2024-07-02 Grubbe, Umeå Vb Determined Image
566 Neofaculta infernella 2024-06-30 Styggforsen Dlr Determined Image
565 Scoparia ancipitella 2024-06-30 Styggforsen Dlr Determined Image
564 Elachista exactella 2024-07-04 Krokvik TLpm Determined Image
563 Argyresthia glabratella 2024-06-30 Styggforsen Dlr Determined Image
562 Elachista gangabella 2024-06-18 Öved Sk Determined Image Not noted in Sk for many decades before this observation
561 Nemapogon granellus 2024-06-24 Hagestad Sk Determined Image
560 Eucosma hohenwartiana 2023-07-18 Dalby Sk Determined Image
559 Eucosma fulvana 2023-07-12 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
558 Bryotropha similis 2023-07-29 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
557 Bryotropha senectella 2023-07-08 Vaxholm Upl Determined
556 Bankesia conspurcatella 2024-03-31 Beddinge, Sk Sk Determined Image
555 Scrobipalpa acuminatella 2023-08-25 Gessie Sk Determined
554 Aproaerema anthyllidella 2023-07-12 Benestad Sk Determined
553 Caryocolum fraternella 2023-08-15 Vomb Sk Determined
552 Monochroa elongella 2023-07-25 Dalby Sk Determined
551 Caryocolum fraternella 2023-08-04 Revinge Sk Determined
550 Chionodes distinctella 2023-08-02 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
549 Agonopterix scopariella 2023-05-21 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined
548 Monochroa elongella 2021-03-07 Gessie Sk Unclear
547 Bryotropha desertella 2023-08-15 Vomb Sk Determined
546 Monochroa elongella 2023-07-25 Gessie Sk Unclear Image
545 Elachista canapennella 2023-07-16 Horna grushåla, Åhus Sk Determined Image
544 Aproaerema anthyllidella 2023-08-30 Kåseberga Sk Determined
543 Elachista atricomella 2023-06-11 Torna Hällestad, Skogshagen Sk Determined
542 Elachista consortella 2023-06-11 Torna Hällestad, Skogshagen Sk Determined Image
541 Elachista canapennella 2023-05-24 Hällerstad, skogshagen Sk Determined
540 Elachista canapennella 2023-05-24 Hällerstad, skogshagen Sk Determined
539 Elachista canapennella 2023-07-16 Horna grushåla, Åhus Sk Determined Image
538 Elachista adscitella 2023-06-30 Öved Sk Determined Image
537 Elachista atricomella 2023-07-02 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
536 Elachista humilis 2023-06-30 Öved Sk Determined Image
535 Elachista albifrontella 2023-06-11 Torna Hällestad, Skogshagen Sk Determined
534 Elachista atricomella 2023-06-30 Öved Sk Determined
533 Elachista albifrontella 2023-06-24 Öved Sk Determined Image
532 Elachista canapennella 2023-08-03 Kåseberga Sk Determined Image
531 Ephestia elutella 2023-06-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
530 Epinotia tedella 2023-06-15 Dalby Sk Determined
529 Phyllonorycter blancardellus 2023-05-17 Dalby Sk Determined
528 Niditinea striolella 2023-06-16 Dalby Sk Determined
527 Dichrorampha incognitana 2023-06-23 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image First reported sighting in almost 40 years in Sweden
526 Phyllonorycter tenerella 2023-06-12 Torna Hällestad, Skogshagen Sk Determined
525 Phyllocnistis saligna 2023-05-11 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined Image
524 Phyllocnistis asiatica 2023-08-15 Vomb Sk Unclear Image Needs validation
523 Bryotropha senectella 2023-08-01 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
522 Lyonetia clerkella 2023-05-16 Dalby Sk Determined
521 Batrachedra confusella 2023-07-16 Horna grushåla, Åhus Sk Determined Image
520 Elachista utonella 2023-08-03 Kåseberga Sk Determined Image
519 Coleophora caespititiella 2023-06-06 Hagestad Sk Determined
518 Coleophora alticolella 2023-06-06 Hagestad Sk Determined
517 Coleophora asteris 2023-08-25 Gessie Sk Determined Image
516 Coleophora versurella 2023-08-09 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
515 Coleophora asteris 2023-08-25 Gessie Sk Determined Image
514 Coleophora vestianella 2023-07-15 Horna grushåla, Åhus Sk Determined
513 Coleophora striatipennella 2023-06-06 Hagestad Sk Determined
512 Coleophora follicularis 2023-07-30 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Second recent finding in Scania in past 40 years
511 Coleophora striatipennella 2023-06-30 Öved Sk Determined
510 Coleophora otidipennella 2023-05-07 Torna Hällestad, Lapporten Sk Determined Image
509 Coleophora caespititiella 2023-05-24 Hällerstad Sk Determined
508 Coleophora caespititiella 2023-06-06 Hagestad Sk Determined
507 Coleophora alticolella 2023-06-24 Öved Sk Determined
506 Coleophora alticolella 2023-06-22 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
505 Coleophora lutipennella 2024-06-30 Öved Sk Determined
504 Coleophora flavipennella 2023-07-16 Horna grushåla, Åhus Sk Determined
503 Coleophora trochilella 2023-08-02 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
502 Coleophora adelogrammella 2023-08-15 Vomb Sk Determined Image New area for this species. It's recently expanding in Sweden according to BAB.
501 Coleophora argentula 2023-08-04 Revinge Sk Determined
500 Coleophora granulatella 2023-07-20 Vomb, Öbacken Sk Determined
499 Coleophora argentula 2023-08-03 Kåseberga Sk Determined
498 Coleophora pennella 2023-06-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
497 Coleophora trochilella 2023-07-30 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
496 Coleophora ibipennella 2024-06-24 Dalby Sk Determined
495 Coleophora serratella 2023-07-02 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
494 Coleophora ibipennella 2023-07-11 Benestad Sk Determined Image
493 Ectoedemia occultella 2023-06-09 Veberöd Sk Determined Image
492 Coleophora lineolea 2023-07-14 Torna Hällestad, Klockgentiana Sk Determined Image
491 Coleophora lithargyrinella 2023-06-24 Öved Sk Determined Image Unusual dark coloring. Rare species and this was found at an area without earlier observations. Genitalia is very characteristic, so there should be little doubt about the finding.
490 Coleophora caespititiella 2023-06-11 Hällerstad Sk Determined Image
489 Ectoedemia occultella 2023-06-09 Veberöd Sk Determined Image
488 Stigmella hemargyrella 2023-06-12 Torna Hällestad, Lapporten Sk Determined Image
487 Stigmella obliquella 2023-06-09 Veberöd Sk Determined Image
486 Stigmella tityrella 2023-06-09 Veberöd Sk Determined
485 Ectoedemia occultella 2023-05-24 Hällerstad Sk Determined Image
484 Stigmella lemniscella 2023-07-28 Dalby Sk Determined Image
483 Coleophora serratella 2023-07-11 Dalby Sk Determined
482 Carpatolechia fugitivella 2023-07-11 Dalby Sk Determined Image
481 Oegoconia deauratella 2023-06-30 Öved Sk Determined
480 Emmelina monodactyla 2023-09-28 Dalby Sk Unclear Image Could be argoteles.. dissection is a struggle.. Forewings are clearly 2-colored, meaning argoteles is a possibility but monodactyla likely
479 Ephestia woodiella 2023-09-16 Dalby Sk Determined Image New species for Sweden. Good set of characters on the genitalia.
478 Noctua janthina 2022-08-25 Silvåkra, Stensoffa Sk Determined Image Bursae typical janthina (picture not uploaded yet)
477 Noctua tertia 2022-07-28 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image vesica typical tertia (picture not uploaded yet)
476 Noctua tertia 2019-08-24 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Conclusive N.tertia
475 Noctua janthina 2008-07-16 Klagshamn Sk Determined Image
474 Noctua tertia 2020-07-19 Vomb Sk Determined Image Unusually thick black enclosure on hindwings, otherwise conclusive N.tertia
473 Noctua janthina 2020-08-12 Dalby Sk Determined Image vesica rupted during dissection unfortunately, but ventral external view suggests a N.janthina
472 Noctua tertia 2022-08-25 Dalby Sk Determined Image Conclusive N.tertia
471 Noctua tertia 2022-08-27 Bingsmarken Sk Unclear Image Bursae suggests either N.janthe or N.tertia, but the light coloring of the frontvings suggests N.tertia.
470 Coleophora vulnerariae 2023-07-16 Horna grushåla, Åhus Sk Determined Image
469 Scythris empetrella 2023-06-06 Hagestad Sk Determined Image
468 Endothenia nigricostana 2023-06-24 Öved Sk Determined Image Small and dark, dissected for clarity
467 Pristerognatha fuligana 2023-06-25 Öved Sk Determined Image Yellow outer wing-corner, needed dissection for clarity
466 Athetis lepigone 2023-08-09 Biologihuset, Lund Sk Determined Image Collected by Lars Petterson, Lund University collections. Det. Ref:
465 Athetis lepigone 2023-08-12 Dueodde Dk Determined Image Collected by Rune Bygebjerg, Bornholm Dennmark, from Lund University collections. Det. Ref: The Noctuides of Central Europe, Janusz Novacki, Bratislava 1998
464 Athetis lepigone 2023-08-27 Dalby Sk Determined Image
463 Athetis lepigone 2022-05-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
462 Xestia xanthographa 2022-10-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Monocoloured, dissected for clarity
461 Autographa gamma 2020-08-16 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Part of a group small "outliers" found in southern Sweden
460 Cochylidia moguntiana 2022-08-09 Kåseberga Sk Determined
459 Elachista baltica 2023-05-14 Gessie Sk Determined Image Realtively new species separated out from E.freyerella complex. Great help from BÅB to determine the species properly
458 Bohemannia pulverosella 2023-05-16 Dalby Sk Determined Image
457 Elachista humilis 2022-06-25 Dalby Sk Determined
456 Elachista canapennella 2022-07-01 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Aedeagus lost in prep, but had the characteristical 2 cone shaped cornuti
455 Elachista atricomella 2022-06-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
454 Elachista alpinella 2022-08-14 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
453 Elachista canapennella 2022-05-20 Romeleklint Sk Determined Image
452 Elachista pullicomella 2022-06-05 Gessie Sk Determined Image
451 Elachista freyerella 2022-05-15 Torna Hällerstad, Prästskogen Sk Determined Image
450 Elachista consortella 2022-06-01 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined
449 Elachista alpinella 2022-08-05 Dalby Sk Determined
448 Elachista pullicomella 2022-06-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
447 Elachista freyerella 2022-08-05 Ystad, Nybroån Sk Determined Image
446 Trifurcula immundella 2022-08-28 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
445 Elachista canapennella 2022-08-16 Gessie Sk Determined Image
444 Bucculatrix maritima 2022-06-05 Gessie Sk Determined
443 Ectoedemia occultella 2022-06-04 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
442 Elachista alpinella 2022-08-05 Ystad, Nybroån Sk Determined
441 Stigmella obliquella 2022-08-26 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
440 Elachista consortella 2022-08-09 Kåseberga Sk Determined
439 Stigmella hybnerella 2022-06-12 Dalby Sk Determined
438 Stigmella obliquella 2022-08-26 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
437 Aethes francillana 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined
436 Aethes francillana 2017-07-18 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
435 Cnephasia genitalana 2022-07-23 Dalby Sk Determined Image
434 Cnephasia pasiuana 2022-07-03 Benestad Sk Determined Image
433 Stigmella crataegella 2022-06-05 Barsebäck Sk Determined
432 Ectoedemia occultella 2022-06-04 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
431 Coleophora striatipennella 2022-08-05 Ystad, Nybroån Sk Determined
430 Coleophora striatipennella 2022-06-01 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined
429 Coleophora taeniipennella 2022-07-01 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
428 Coleophora caespititiella 2022-06-23 Dalby Sk Determined
427 Coleophora taeniipennella 2022-07-02 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
426 Coleophora alticolella 2022-06-23 Dalby Sk Unclear
425 Coleophora serratella 2022-06-26 Dalby Sk Determined Image
424 Coleophora proterella 2022-08-25 Dalby Sk Determined Image
423 Coleophora lusciniaepennella 2022-07-03 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
422 Coleophora glaucicolella 2022-06-30 Romeleklint Sk Determined
421 Coleophora lusciniaepennella 2022-06-29 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
420 Coleophora serratella 2022-08-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
419 Coleophora argentula 2022-07-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
418 Coleophora follicularis 2022-07-01 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image First sighting in this province in 40 years
417 Coleophora taeniipennella 2022-08-16 Gessie Sk Determined Image
416 Coleophora serratella 2022-08-07 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
415 Coleophora trochilella 2022-08-07 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
414 Coleophora alticolella 2022-07-02 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
413 Coleophora striatipennella 2022-08-05 Ystad, Nybroån Sk Determined Image
412 Coleophora striatipennella 2022-07-29 Dalby, Galgbacken Sk Determined Image
411 Coleophora milvipennis 2022-06-29 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
410 Coleophora caelebipennella 2022-08-09 Kåseberga Sk Determined Image
409 Coleophora striatipennella 2022-07-28 Dalby Sk Determined Image Odd dark border on forevings
408 Coleophora caelebipennella 2022-08-09 Kåseberga Sk Determined Image
407 Coleophora caespititiella 2022-06-05 Gessie Sk Determined
406 Coleophora versurella 2022-08-05 Dalby Sk Determined
405 Stenoptilia unknown 2022-08-16 Gessie Sk Unclear Image
404 Coleophora saxicolella 2022-08-09 Dalby Sk Determined Image
403 Coleophora versurella 2022-08-25 Dalby Sk Determined Image
402 Coleophora adspersella 2022-07-01 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
401 Coleophora sternipennella 2022-07-13 Dalby Sk Determined Image
400 Coleophora versurella 2022-07-03 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
399 Coleophora saxicolella 2022-08-09 Kåseberga Sk Determined Image
398 Coleophora saxicolella 2022-08-03 Kristianopel Bl Determined
397 Coleophora spinella 2022-06-05 Gessie Sk Determined Image
396 Bedellia somnulentella 2022-08-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
395 Eucosma fulvana 2022-07-03 Benestad Sk Unclear Image
394 Eucosma hohenwartiana 2022-07-31 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
393 Coleophora adjunctella 2022-06-21 Gessie Sk Determined Image
392 Sorhagenia janiszewskae 2022-07-31 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
391 Tinea pellionella 2022-06-25 Dalby Sk Determined Image
390 Cymolomia hartigiana 2022-08-16 Dalby Sk Determined Image
389 Epermenia illigerella 2022-06-22 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
388 Hellinsia inulae 2022-08-16 Gessie Sk Determined Image
387 Theria rupicapraria 2023-02-12 Svarte, Skarpviken Sk Determined
386 Theria rupicapraria 2010-04-03 Magnarp Sk Determined
385 Coleophora lutarea 2022-05-17 Torna Hällestad, Prästskogen Sk Determined Image Metallic/purpur shimmer, was mistaken for Augasma aeratellum before prepared
384 Coleophora striatipennella 2022-05-15 Torna Hällestad, Prästskogen Sk Determined Image Unusually small, just 9.5 mm
383 Chionodes distinctella 2022-07-07 Horna grushåla, Åhus Sk Determined
382 Scrobipalpa atriplicella 2015-08-24 Ljungsbro, Bohemsvägen Ög Determined Image Separated out from S.ocellatella
381 Coleophora hydrolapathella 2022-06-28 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
380 Tinea dubiella 2022-06-30 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Rare sighting
379 Coleophora tanaceti 2022-06-26 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
378 Coleophora trochilella 2022-06-28 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
377 Coleophora versurella 2022-06-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
376 Coleophora taeniipennella 2022-06-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
375 Coleophora adjunctella 2022-06-26 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Very dark and uncharacteristic
374 Coleophora argentula 2022-08-05 Dalby Sk Determined Image
373 Caryocolum blandulella 2022-07-19 Blåhäll Go Determined Image
372 Caryocolum blandelloides 2022-07-20 Kallgatburg Go Determined Image
371 Celypha cespitana 2022-07-15 Kaupungsklint Go Determined Image
370 Bucculatrix frangutella 2022-07-18 Norebod Go Determined Image
369 Elachista utonella 2022-07-20 Kallgatburg Go Determined Image
368 Coleophora spinella 2022-07-18 Norebod Go Determined Image
367 Elachista adscitella 2022-07-21 Kallgatburg Go Determined Image
366 Elachista adscitella 2022-07-21 Kallgatburg Go Determined Image
365 Agapeta hamana 2022-06-21 Gessie Sk Determined Image Small and rich patterns, still an A.hamana it seems
364 Eana osseana 2022-07-25 Gessie Sk Determined Image Ductus not visible on preparation, this is very unfortunate
363 Eucosma hohenwartiana 2022-07-15 Kaupungsklint Go Determined Image Males can not be separated out within the hohenwartiana complex.
362 Coleophora hemerobiella 2022-07-16 Filehajdar Go Determined Image
361 Ocnerostoma pinariella 2022-06-26 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
360 Aethes fennicana 2022-06-05 Gessie Sk Determined Image First observartion in province Skåne
359 Amblyptilia acanthadactyla 2022-08-19 Dalby Sk Determined Image
358 Batrachedra confusella 2022-07-18 Norebod Go Determined Image
357 Nemapogon cloacellus 2022-07-20 Kallgatburg Go Determined
356 Idaea fuscovenosa 2021-07-16 Filehajdar Go Determined Image
355 Coleophora anatipennella 2022-07-18 Norebod Go Determined
354 Coleophora glaucicolella 2022-07-15 Kaupungsklint Go Determined
353 Blastobasis glandulella 2022-06-28 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image New species for Sweden, found in Denmark 2015
352 Depressaria douglasella 2022-07-19 Blåhäll Go Determined Image
351 Cnephasia pumicana 2022-06-24 Dalby Sk Determined Image New for Nordic area. 2nd out of two individuals attracted to C.pumicana pheromone this date. Donated to LTH for barcoding.
350 Cnephasia pumicana 2022-06-24 Dalby Sk Determined Image New for Nordic area. Attracted tp C.pumicana pheromone. Donated to LTH for barcoding.
349 Batrachedra pinicolella 2017-07-10 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
348 Batrachedra pinicolella 2020-07-19 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined
347 Plutella xylostella 2016-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
346 Coleophora versurella 2014-09-23 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
345 Lacanobia splendens 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Very rare species in Sweden, and somewhat unclear if immigranting or resident.
344 Nemapogon granellus 2021-08-29 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
343 Caryocolum cassellum 2021-07-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
342 Caryocolum fraternella 2021-07-27 Vomb, Öbacken Sk Determined
341 Borkhausenia fuscescens 2021-07-27 Dalby Sk Determined
340 Bryotropha senectella 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
339 Scrobipalpula tussilaginis 2021-07-22 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
338 Bryotropha senectella 2021-08-10 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
337 Metzneria lappella 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
336 Scrobipalpula psilella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined Image
335 Bryotropha basaltinella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined
334 Scrobipalpula psilella 2021-07-27 Vomb, Öbacken Sk Determined Image
333 Bryotropha terrella 2021-08-10 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
332 Carpatolechia fugitivella 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined
331 Bryotropha senectella 2021-06-25 Vejby udde Sk Determined
330 Batia lunaris 2021-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
329 Parornix betulae 2021-07-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
328 Elachista alpinella 2021-08-09 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined Image
327 Elachista albifrontella 2021-06-30 Romeleklint Sk Determined
326 Elachista canapennella 2016-07-29 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
325 Elachista consortella 2021-07-27 Dalby, Galgbacken Sk Determined Image
324 Elachista canapennella 2021-09-11 Husagård Sk Determined Image
323 Elachista pullicomella 2021-07-22 Hagestad Sk Determined
322 Cnephasia incertana 2021-06-20 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined
321 Phyllonorycter maestingella 2021-05-17 Husagård Sk Determined
320 Phyllonorycter blancardellus 2021-09-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
319 Phyllonorycter ulmifoliellus 2021-09-04 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
318 Cameraria ohridella 2021-09-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
317 Phyllonorycter coryli 2021-05-17 Husagård Sk Determined
316 Phyllonorycter coryli 2021-05-20 Hörte Sk Determined
315 Phyllonorycter spinicolellus 2021-06-06 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined
314 Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae 2021-05-27 Hörte Sk Determined
313 Phyllonorycter maestingellus 2021-05-17 Husagård Sk Determined
312 Phyllonorycter tristrigellus 2016-08-07 Magnarp Sk Determined
311 Phyllocnistis saligna 2021-09-08 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined
310 Phyllonorycter blancardellus 2021-09-01 Dalby Sk Determined
309 Coleophora alticolella 2021-06-30 Romeleklint Sk Determined
308 Coleophora argentula 2021-08-10 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
307 Coleophora caespititiella 2021-06-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
306 Coleophora glaucicolella 2021-07-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
305 Coleophora caespititiella 2021-06-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
304 Coleophora caespititiella 2021-06-11 Benestad Sk Determined
303 Coleophora taeniipennella 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined
302 Coleophora caespititiella 2021-06-10 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined
301 Coleophora adjunctella 2021-06-25 Vejby udde Sk Determined Image
300 Coleophora alticolella 2021-06-30 Romeleklint Sk Determined
299 Coleophora vestianella 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined Image
298 Coleophora artemisicolella 2021-07-16 Dalby Sk Determined
297 Coleophora taeniipennella 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined Image
296 Coleophora trochilella 2021-07-22 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
295 Coleophora trochilella 2021-07-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
294 Coleophora trochilella 2021-07-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
293 Coleophora trochilella 2021-07-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
292 Coleophora saxicolella 2021-07-27 Öbacken Sk Determined Image
291 Coleophora vestianella 2021-06-30 Romeleklint Sk Determined Image
290 Coleophora argentula 2021-07-21 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
289 Coleophora argentula 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
288 Coleophora saxicolella 2021-07-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
287 Coleophora saxicolella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined Image
286 Coleophora versurella 2021-09-08 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined Image
285 Coleophora versurella 2021-09-07 Dalby Sk Determined Image
284 Coleophora adspersella 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
283 Coleophora albicans 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
282 Coleophora artemisicolella 2021-07-22 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Second female observed from this location and this year.
281 Coleophora gardesanella 2021-07-21 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image First observation in Sweden. Litterature: The moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, Yponomeutidae - Elachistidae, Volume 3. Further reference, of course Bengt Åke Bengtsson, thanks!
280 Coleophora striatipennella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined Image
279 Coleophora saxicolella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined Image
278 Coleophora albicans 2021-06-19 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined Image
277 Coleophora laricella 2021-06-30 Romeleklint Sk Determined Image
276 Coleophora therinella 2021-08-07 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
275 Coleophora proterella 2021-08-22 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
274 Coleophora striatipennella 2021-09-09 Dalby Sk Determined
273 Coleophora artemisicolella 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
272 Coleophora nutantella 2021-06-22 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Vulnerable speceis (VU), new location. Furtherest south find in Sweden?
271 Coleophora granulatella 2021-07-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
270 Cnephasia asseclana 2020-07-19 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined Image
269 Cnephasia asseclana 2012-07-25 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined Image
268 Cnephasia genitalana 2016-06-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
267 Cnephasia genitalana 2016-06-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
266 Ectoedemia albifasciella 2021-06-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
265 Cnephasia pumicana 2021-07-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Validated by Dr. David Agassiz, The Natural History Museum, London
264 Elachista adscitella 2021-07-17 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
263 Trifurcula immundella 2021-07-17 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
262 Coleophora serratella 2021-07-16 Dalby Sk Determined
261 Coleophora glaucicolella 2021-06-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
260 Ectoedemia angulifasciella 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
259 Nemapogon nigralbellus 2021-06-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
258 Tinea columbariella 2021-06-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
257 Ectoedemia subbimaculella 2021-06-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
256 Coleophora trochilella 2021-07-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
255 Elachista freyerella 2021-06-04 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined Image
254 Parornix devoniella 2021-06-03 Husagård Sk Determined Image
253 Eulamprotes plumbella 2021-09-08 Vomb, vattenverket Sk Determined Image 2 specimens collected
252 Cochylidia moguntiana 2021-05-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image Litterature: Tortricidae of Palaeartic Region, Volume 2, Author: Jósef Razowski
251 Ectoedemia hannoverella 2021-06-04 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined Image Litterature: Nationalnyckeln, Fjärilar Käkmalar Säckspinnare
250 Stigmella salicis 2021-06-29 Dalby Sk Determined
249 Stigmella tityrella 2021-05-20 Hörte Sk Determined
248 Ectoedemia floslactella 2021-05-20 Näsbyholm Sk Determined
247 Stigmella albifasciella 2021-06-20 Dalby Sk Determined
246 Stigmella tityrella 2021-06-02 Husagård Sk Determined
245 Stigmella hemargyrella 2021-06-02 Husagård Sk Determined
244 Coleophora granulatella 2021-07-27 Öbacken Sk Determined Image
243 Coleophora glaucicolella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined
242 Coleophora taeniipennella 2021-09-08 Vomb Sk Determined
241 Coleophora albicans 2021-06-19 Vomb Sk Determined
240 Coleophora glaucicolella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined
239 Coleophora taeniipennella 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined
238 Eucosma fulvana 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Unclear Image Needs bar-coding
237 Eucosma fulvana 2021-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Unclear Image Needs bar-coding
236 Eucosma fulvana 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined Image
235B Elachista exactella 2021-07-12 Mästocka Ha Determined
235A Cnephasia genitalana 2021-07-03 Gessie Sk Determined
234 Eucosma hohenwartiana 2021-07-03 Gessie Sk Determined Image
233 Sorhagenia lophyrella 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined Image
232 Coleophora versurella 2021-08-25 Dalby Sk Determined
231 Depressaria sordidatella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined
230 Ancylis rhenana 2021-07-22 Bingsmarken Sk Unclear Image Needs bar-coding
229 Carpatolechia fugitivella 2021-06-20 Dalby Sk Determined
228 Carpatolechia fugitivella 2021-06-17 Dalby Sk Determined
227 Coleophora virgaureae 2021-08-29 Dalby Sk Determined
226 Coleophora glaucicolella 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined
225 Coleophora serratella 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined
224 Coleophora versurella 2021-07-13 Benestad Sk Determined
223 Coleophora striatipennella 2021-07-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
222 Coleophora argentula 2021-07-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
221 Stigmella centifoliella 2021-07-27 Dalby Sk Determined
220 Stigmella saclils 2021-07-27 Dalby Sk Determined
219 Coleophora salicorniae 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined
218 Coleophora salicorniae 2021-07-27 Gessie Sk Determined
217 Trifurcula immundella 2021-07-25 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
216 Ectoedemia albifasciella 2021-07-01 Dalby Sk Determined Image
215 Stigmella betulicola 2021-06-30 Romeleklint Sk Determined
214 Coleophora peribenandrei 2021-06-13 Dalby Sk Determined
213 Carpatolechia fugitivella 2021-07-09 Dalby Sk Determined
212 Coleophora argentula 2021-07-08 Öbacken Sk Determined
211 Ectoedemia atrifrontella 2021-08-13 Kjugekull Sk Determined Image
210 Ectoedemia arcuatella 2021-06-02 Billebjär Sk Determined
209 Ectoedemia occultella 2021-06-02 Billebjär Sk Determined Image
208 Phyllonorycter maestringellus 2021-05-13 Torna Hällestad Sk Determined
207 Phyllonorycter heringiellus 2021-05-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
206 Coptotriche marginea 2021-05-29 Sandvik Sk Determined
205 Phyllonorycter blancardellus 2021-06-06 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined
204 Elachista gleichenella 2021-06-30 Romeleklint Sk Determined
203 Monochroa tetragonella 2021-07-03 Gessie Sk Determined
202 Coleophora striatipennella 2021-06-10 Dalbyvägen Sk Determined
201 Scrobipalpa stangei 2021-07-03 Gessie Sk Determined
200 Mompha epilobella 2021-06-28 Dalby Sk Determined
199 Phyllonorycter dubitella 2021-06-03 Husagård Sk Determined
198 Carpatolechia fugitivella 2021-06-30 Romerleklint Sk Determined
197 Celepsis spectrana 2021-07-03 Gessie Sk Determined
196 Parornix anglicella 2020-05-26 Romelåsen Sk Determined
195 Parornix devoniella 2020-05-26 Romelåsen Sk Determined
194 Amphisbatis incongruella 2021-03-30 Vomb Sk Determined
193 Elachista distigmatella 2015-07-18 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
192 Elachista distigmatella 2016-06-01 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
191 Elachista canapennella 2015-08-27 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
190 Elachista albifrontella 2015-07-03 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
189 Elachista albifrontella 2017-06-05 Berg Ög Determined
188 Elachista albifrontella 2016-06-17 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
187 Idaea subsericeata 2020-07-31 Vitemölla Sk Determined
186 Eupithecia pusillata 2015-08-15 Penåsa Öl Determined
185 Eupithecia pulchellata 2020-07-19 Vomb Sk Determined
184 Coleophora lutarea 2020-05-21 Vomb Sk Determined
183 Coleophora parthenogenella 2018-07-07 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
182 Coleophora saxicolella 2020-07-19 Vomb Sk Determined
181 Coleophora saxicolella 2020-08-22 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
180 Coleophora sternipennella 2020-07-16 Dalby Sk Determined
179 Coleophora versurella 2019-08-26 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
178 Coleophora therinella 2016-07-24 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
177 Coleophora taeniipennella 2016-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
176 Coleophora versurella 2014-09-23 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
175 Coleophora saxicolella 2016-07-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
174 Coleophora versurella 2019-09-01 Dalby Sk Determined
173 Coleophora sternipennella 2016-07-24 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
172 Coleophora sternipennella 2016-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
171 Coleophora versurella 2016-07-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
170 Coleophora peribenandrei 2015-06-20 Åkerslund Ög Determined
169 Coleophora proterella 2015-08-27 Marmorbruket Ög Determined Image New for the province
168 Coleophora laricella 2020-06-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
167 Coleophora serratella 2020-07-22 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
166 Coleophora spiraeella 2017-06-04 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
165 Coleophora sternipennella 2016-07-21 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
164 Coleophora versurella 2014-09-23 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
163 Coleophora virgaureae 2015-08-27 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
162 Coleophora hemerobiella 2016-07-07 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
160B Coleophora albicans 2020-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
160 Coleophora proterella 2017-08-10 Sanda Vives Go Determined
159 Coleophora versurella 2016-07-26 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
158 Coleophora tamesis 2020-07-16 Dalby Sk Determined
157 Coleophora therinella 2016-07-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
156 Coleophora trochilella 2014-07-06 Åkerslund Ög Determined
155 Coleophora peribenandrei 2020-07-03 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
154 Batrachedra confusella 2019-07-05 Dalby Sk Determined Image New species seperated from B.pinicolella
153 Coleophora albicans 2020-06-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
152 Coleophora serratella 2020-07-12 Vomb Sk Determined
151 Coleophora alticolella 2016-06-17 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
150 Coleophora flavipennella 2020-07-12 Kullaberg Sk Determined
149 Coleophora striatipennella 2020-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
148 Coleophora sternipennella 2020-08-05 Dalby Sk Determined
147 Coleophora glaucicolella 2020-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
146 Coleophora glaucicolella 2020-07-03 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
145 Coleophora caespititiella 2020-06-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
144 Coleophora parthenogenella 2016-07-24 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
143 Coleophora parthenogenella 2016-07-21 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
142 Coleophora striatipennella 2020-08-05 Dalby Sk Determined
141 Coleophora parthenogenella 2020-07-27 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
140 Coleophora lineolea 2020-06-17 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
139 Endothenia quadrimaculana 2020-08-29 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
138 Eucosma tripoliana 2020-08-01 Gessie Sk Determined
137 Chionodes distinctella 2020-07-19 Vomb Sk Determined
136 Scrobipalpa obsoletella 2020-08-04 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
135 Nemapogon variatellus 2020-08-11 Dalby Sk Determined
134 Borkhausenia luridicomella 2020-06-26 Dalby Sk Determined
133 Scrobipalpa acuminatella 2020-08-10 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
132 Coleophora lutipennella 2020-07-16 Dalby Sk Determined
131 Carpatolechia fugitivella 2020-07-19 Dalby Sk Determined
130 Dichomeris alacella 2020-07-19 Vomb Sk Determined
129 Scrobipalpa tussilaginis 2020-08-02 Silvåkra Sk Determined Image New location for this species
128 Elachista bedellella 2020-06-27 Benestad Sk Determined
127 Nemapogon cloacellus 2020-07-17 Kullaberg Sk Determined
126 Ectoedemia sericopeza 2019-07-30 Dalby Sk Determined
125 Nemapogon granellus 2020-06-19 Torna Hällestad Sk Determined
124 Ectoedemia loisella 2020-08-19 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined Image
123 Parornix fagivora 2020-06-15 Romelåsen Sk Determined
122 Caryocolum cassellum 2020-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
121 Scytris potentillella 2020-07-23 Mossbystrand Sk Determined
120 Stigmella hybnerella 2020-08-10 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
119 Elachista freyerella 2019-08-05 Gessie Sk Determined Image
118 Elachista consortella 2020-08-10 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
117 Stigmella tityrella 2020-08-06 Dalby Sk Determined
116 Stigmella obliquella 2020-08-10 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
115 Bryotropha basaltinella 2020-06-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
114 Coleophora peribenandrei 2020-07-24 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
113 Caryocolum amaurellum 2020-07-12 Kullaberg Sk Determined
112 Sorhagenia janiszewskae 2020-08-09 Dalby Sk Determined
111 Cydia coniferana 2020-08-04 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
110 Delplanqueia inscriptella 2020-06-27 Benestad Sk Determined
109 Delplanqueia inscriptella 2020-06-27 Benestad Sk Determined
108 Coleophora spinella 2009-06-18 Ljungsbro Ög Determined Image
107 Coleophora granulatella 2017-07-13 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
106 Coleophora saxicolella 2020-07-25 Hörte Sk Determined
105 Coleophora nutantella 2020-06-27 Benestad Sk Determined New location for this species
104 Coleophora kuehnella 2020-06-27 Benestad Sk Determined Image
103 Cydia coniferana 2016-07-07 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
102 Cydia coniferana 2020-07-19 Vomb Sk Determined
101 Orthotaenia undulana 2020-06-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
100 Carpatolechia fugacella 2020-08-19 Dalby Sk Determined Image New for Sweden
99 Mirificarma mulinella 2020-08-10 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
98 Crombrugghia distans 2020-07-19 Vomb Sk Unclear Image Needs bar-coding
97 Crombrugghia distans 2020-08-10 Bunkeflostrand Sk Unclear Image Donated to LTH for barcoding.
96 Crombrugghia distans 2020-06-08 Dalby Sk Unclear Image Needs bar-coding
95 Emmelina monodactyla 2020-06-27 Benestad Sk Determined
94 Olethreutes arcuellus 2020-05-20 Torna Hällestad Sk Determined
93 Endothenia marginana 2020-05-05 Lund Sk Determined Hatched from pupa
92 Lobesia reliquana 2019-06-06 Stens huvud Sk Determined
91 Pammene obscurana 2012-05-27 Prästtomta Ög Determined
90 Aethes smeathmanniana 2014-07-06 Åkerslund Ög Determined
89 Cnephasia asseclana 2015-08-24 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
88 Cnephasia genitalana 2014-08-06 Sanda Vives Go Determined
87 Prays ruficeps 2010-07-26 Kalvhagen Ög Determined
86 Delplanqueia dilutella/inscriptella 2015-08-27 Marmorbruket Ög Unclear
85 Bryotropha desertella 2016-08-07 Magnarp Sk Determined
84 Gelechia scotinella 2015-08-25 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
83 Bryotropha senectella 2015-08-07 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
82 Caryocolum pullatellum 2015-08-25 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
81 Caryocolum junctellum 2014-04-26 Åkerslund Ög Determined
80 Caryocolum pullatellum 2015-08-27 Marmorbruket Ög Determined Image
79 Caryocolum fischerellum 2014-09-04 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
78 Caryocolum cassellum 2016-07-19 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
77 Teleiodes sequax 2016-07-25 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
76 Scrobipalpa stangei 2019-05-04 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
75 Chionodes distinctella 2011-07-20 Prästtomta Ög Determined
74 Oxypteryx atrella 2016-07-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
73 Bryotropha affinis 2016-07-25 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
72 Chionodes distinctella 2019-06-08 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
71 Gelechia sororculella 2015-08-15 Penåsa Öl Determined
70 Exoteleia dodecella 2016-07-21 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
69 Carpatolechia decorella 2016-07-21 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
68 Monochroa lutulentella 2009-07-17 Åkerslund Ög Determined
67 Mirificarma mulinella 2016-08-07 Magnarp Sk Determined
66 Caryocolum fraternella 2014-07-31 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
65B Carpatolechia alburnella 2011-08-12 Prästtomta Ög Determined
65 Noctua tertia 2019-08-05 Dalby Sk Determined Image Conclusive N.tertia given coloring and vesica shape. This specimen is (for a male) very bright colored and have the same type of coloring as females is reported to have*. It also have 'fingers' in the shadow on the ventral side of the forewings. *) Källander. C., Moberg. A. & Ryrholm. N.: Noctua tertia funnen i Sverige (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Noctua tertia found in Sweden. – Entomologisk Tidskrift 141 (1–2): 51–59. Björnlunda, Sweden 2020. ISSN 0013-886x.
64B Aroga velocella 2019-07-19 Vitemölla Sk Determined
64 Noctua janthina 2019-08-05 Dalby Sk Determined Image
63 Noctua janthina 2019-08-31 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
62 Cadra figulilella 2019-07-30 Dalby Sk Determined
61 Noctua janthe 2019-08-23 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
60 Cochylimorpha straminea 2019-08-22 Dalby Sk Determined Image
59 Dichrorampha acuminatana 2019-08-04 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
58 Coleophora parthenogenella 2019-07-16 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
57 Gelechia senticetella 2019-07-30 Dalby Sk Determined
56 Anarsia innoxiella 2019-06-26 Dalby Sk Determined
55 Hellinsia inulae 2019-08-05 Gessie Sk Determined Image New for Sweden
54 Anarsia innoxiella 2019-06-27 Dalby Sk Determined
53 Anarsia innoxiella 2019-06-24 Dalby Sk Determined
52 Cochylis flaviciliana 2016-07-29 Lernacken Sk Determined
51 Cochylidia implicitana 2018-07-18 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
50 Epinotia pusillana 2018-07-24 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
49 Sciota fulmella 2018-07-10 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
48 Nemapogon variatellus 2017-06-10 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
47 Pammene luedersiana 2017-05-17 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
46 Dichrorampha alpinana 2017-06-17 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
45 Celypha cespitana 2015-06-23 Magnarps hed Sk Determined
44 Anarsia innoxiella 2017-07-07 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
43 Anarsia innoxiella 2017-07-11 Beddinge strand Sk Determined
42 Pammene regiana 2017-04-29 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
41 Ancylis paludana 2017-07-15 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
40 Ancylis badiana 2015-05-15 Omberg Ög Determined Image
39 Ancylis badiana 2016-05-28 Marmorbruket Ög Determined Image
38 Ancylis badiana 2016-07-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
37 Pammene trauniana 2017-05-27 Hörte Sk Determined
36 Pammene trauniana 2017-05-27 Hörte Sk Determined
35 Ancylis badiana 2016-05-28 Marmorbruket Ög Determined Image
34 Ancylis paludana 2016-07-20 Bingsmarken Sk Determined Image
33 Agonopterix scopariella 2016-07-28 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
32 Dichrorampha flavidorsana 2009-06-17 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
31 Pammene ignorata 2016-06-17 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
30 Epinotia cinereana 2016-08-22 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
29 Aethes smeathmanniana 2016-07-17 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
28 Coleophora parthenogenella 2016-07-17 Bingsmarken Sk Determined
27 Lathronympha strigana 2016-08-08 Ljungsbro Ög Determined
26 Cnephasia stephensiana 2016-07-25 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
25 Argyresthia dilectella 2016-07-25 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
24 Cochylidia richteriana 2016-05-28 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
23 Emmelina monodactyla 2016-08-07 Magnarps hamn Sk Determined
22 Emmelina monodactyla 2016-08-07 Magnarps hamn Sk Determined
21 Oegoconia deauratella 2016-07-25 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
20 Emmelina monodactyla 2016-08-07 Magnarps hamn Sk Determined
19 Delplanqueia inscriptella 2015-07-23 Magnarps hed Sk Determined
18 Chionodes fumatella 2015-07-02 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
17 Bryotropha terrella 2015-08-27 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
16 Hypatopa binotella 2015-07-02 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
15 Epermenia illigerella 2015-07-02 Marmorbruket Ög Determined
14 Bactra lancealana 2012-07-07 Magnarp Sk Determined
13 Eucosma cana 2012-07-25 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
12 Oegoconia deauratella 2014-07-22 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
11 Oegoconia deauratella 2014-07-22 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
10 Eucosma fulvana 2014-07-23 Bunkeflostrand Sk Determined
9 Lobesia reliquana 2013-06-08 Ivön Sk Determined
8 Amphipoea crinanensis 2011-08-12 Prästtomta Ög Determined
7 Oligia latruncula 2010-06-26 Tinnerö Ög Determined
6 Amphipoea crinanensis 2009-09-20 Åkerslund Ög Determined
5 Amphipoea oculea 2012-08-26 Åkerslund Ög Determined
4 Oligia latruncula 2014-07-29 Åkerslund Ög Determined
3 Celypha rufana 2013-06-29 Åkerslund Ög Determined
2 Celypha rosaceana 2014-07-29 Åkerslund Ög Determined
1 Celypha rosaceana 2012-07-11 Åkerslund Ög Determined